Flieg Zurück

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

All The Small Things

Well, here we go. All of the little insignificant facts about Germany that you never really wanted to know.

^^ And that rhymes!

My German comprehension varies from day to day, especially depending on how much sleep was gotten the night before. For example, yesterday, I was able to understand most of my classes (except for one tiny mishap in Deutsch where I had to summarize stories in German that had been read out loud five minutes previously), while today, I acquired a serious headache in my one class. It would seem that the ancient Greek political system structure is difficult to understand, even in one's native tongue. Or maybe the vocabulary was just over my head. Either way, I do learn more every day, which helps. I hope to be pretty much fluent by February, if not sooner.

School is probably something that many of you wonder about. The German school system, I find, is a lot more intense than the American school system. I'm in a 'gymnasium'. German kids go to school together from 1st to 4th grade, then are sent to different schools:
Hauptschule: goes until 16, students generally work and only go to school 2 days a week as they get older.
Realschule: Basically a vocational school. Students learn a trade while continuing their education.
Gymnasium: As I see it, it's basically college preparation. It goes until 13th grade, when one is 19 or 20.

The cool thing about going to Gymnasium is basically all the morons who don't care about learning are weeded out. But this also makes for harder classes, since teachers know that the students are capable. Free periods are generally spent studying, only a little socializing is done. Interesting, no?

Also, in my school, students are not allowed to have chalk. This makes me wonder what possibly could have happened to make this a rule...

Do you drink a lot? No, basically not at all. Don't want to be the drunk American, dontcha know.

What's your favorite thing about Germany?
Could you be any more vague?

Favorite food? Well, I had previously thought brötchen, but now... I am totally and completely in love with Döner. Look up pictures on Google, and you will see why.

How do you say the the name of town where you're living? Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler is Bahd Noy-en-ahr- Ahr-vi-ler. Not that hard.

What do you do in your free time? Whatever I feel like. Listening to music, playing games, writing...

And I believe that is all for now. I am introducing my host family to tacos today. Wish me luck!

I miss and love you all.
Liebe Grüße,


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