Flieg Zurück

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Brief Taco Interlude

As mentioned in my previous post, I made tacos for my host family today. It was more amusing than I had reason to expect.

As you know, a taco is traditionally eaten with one's hands. I explained this to my host family, and walked them through the taco-making process.

My host father took one bite, then set the taco down, and started eating it with a fork and knife. My host sister did that from the start. My host mom was the only one to stick it out until the end. Go, Elke! :P

Then, my host father ate a second taco. This time, he put mustard on it along with everything else.

Yes, mustard.

We also ate Oreo Dessert, but nothing eventful happened there.

So this is all for today.

Bis Dann

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